How does ordering work?
Our most asked question by new visitors. So we dedicated a page to ordering!
All ordering is done on a Pre-Ordering basis, online.
Our menu goes live once weekly. We need the advanced time frame as we long ferment all our sourdough and it becomes about a 4 day process.
Current Schedule:
The Menu “drops” or “goes live” at 10am every Thursday and closes 8pm that Saturday for the following Wednesday Bread Pickups.
Where to order?
Find the storefront HERE.
View item prices, description and ingredients. Select the items you wish to purchase.
Choose the pickup location that works best for you. (there will be a 15 minute window for each pickup location)
Confirm your order and complete purchase.
You will receive confirmation of your order and additional info on the pickup location.
That’s it!
Also note - if there is no current menu live - you can still review previous menus for an idea of what we have and prices each week.